Dear students,
let us invite you to introductory organizing meetings with the head of KAJL (Prof Pokrivčáková), your study consultants (doc. Vančová & doc. Juríková) and your teaching/specialized practice coordinators (dr. Sucháňová & doc. Juríková).
During the meetings, you will:
a) get all information regarding the organization of your study,
b) learn about the department´s events for the summer semester
c) have the opportunity to ask questions related to your study.
The meetings will be held as follows:
1st year: on 16 February at 14:40 in Aula
2nd year: on 16 February at 16:00 in Aula
3rd year: 14 February at 12:50 in Aula
4th year: 14 February 12:00 in Aula
5th year: 13 February at 17:00 in MS Teams.
2nd year XAJJB: on 18 February at 12:00 in MS Teams
2nd year RŠ: on 11 February at 9:00 in MS Teams
3rd & 4th year XAJJB: on 11 February at 9:00 in MS Teams
1st year YAJJM: on 11 February at 9:00 in MS Teams
2nd & 3rd year YAJJM: 13 February at 17:00 in MS Teams.
We are looking forward to seeing you soon.