The department cooperates with prominent personalities and universities focused on ECEC. Mutual relationships are developed on a global level, not only heading towards developed western countries. The department is in close cooperation with the
- Institute of Childhood of Herzen State Education University (St. Petersburg, Russia),
- Centre of Early Childhood Education and Development, Ambedkar University Delhi, India,
- Department of Education (Scranton University, US),
- Department of Social Pedagogy of Early Childhood, Martin Luther University Halle‑Wittenberg (Germany),
- Early Childhood Research Centre, University of Roehampton, London (UK),
- Department of Psychology, Charles University Prague (CZ)
- and others.
The department is actively supporting academic mobilities through Programme Erasmus+.
The department regularly invites international professionals to research and lecture visits. Recently there have been given lectures by:
- Prof. Peter Moss (Institute of Education, University College London, UK)
- Prof. Tata Mbugua (Department of Education, Scranton University, US)
- Dr. Andrew Wilkins (University of East London, UK)
- Dr. Marek Tesar (University of Auckland, NZ)
- Dr. Sonja Arndt (University of Waikato, NZ)
- Prof. Stanislav Štech (Charles University Prague, CZ)