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Department of School Education

About us

The department of School Education is a leading department of ECEC development in Slovakia. It takes the leadership not only in its impact on Slovak Early Years Education but it is very active in research and projects on an international level. The department cooperates in research with the most important research institution in Slovakia – the Slovak Academy of Sciences. It is also very active in development and implementation of the national early years curriculum. Apart from research and development activities, the department is also involved in developing activities in various developing countries. Because of this, the department members helped to establish Kenya Center for Early Childhood and Preschool Education Studies in 2015 at the Faculty of Education. At the department there is also based a Slovak branch of international organization ACEI (Association for Childhood Education International) with its seat in Washington (https://acei.​org/​ ). The department runs edited internationally accredited Journal of Pedagogy (http://www.​degruyter.​com/​view/​j/​jped ), which is included in the SCOPUS database and other important international publishing databases.


Research profile of the department covers following fields:

  • education policy
  • curriculum development
  • early literacy
  • inequalities in education
  • comparative education
  • international child(hood) studies