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Format: journal
ISSN: 2989‑3577
First Published: spring 2024
First Predecessor Published: 1997
Publication timeframe: 2 times per year
Languages: English, Slovak, Czech
Journal Subjects: Education, Teaching and Learning, Pedagogy, Philosophy of Education, History of Education, Moral Education, Character Education, Civic Education.

We are offering a periodical that:

  • is hosted by the department at Trnava University and our Trnava Research Team;
  • focuses on the areas of general pedagogy, with special emphasis on theoretical foundations of education, philosophy of education, history of pedagogy, ethical and moral education;
  • includes theoretical and empirical studies;
  • the purpose of which is to attract, create and connect the research community, it wants to become a platform for its outputs and discussions;
  • emphasizes rigorous review processes to ensure contributions are based on research with practical, real­‑life implications ;
  • is published twice a year, one issue is in English, the other is in Slovak and/or Czech;
  • will successively contain various sections and rubrics (discussions and polemics, reports, reviews, essays, interviews, appendices);
  • is about to announce “calls” to thematic issues;
  • builds on the history of previously existing journals (Acta Facultatis, Scientia et Eruditio) and declare their continuity;
  • will be successively indexed in scientific databases of periodicals.

The name of the journal incorporates a dialogic paradigm.

The word “dialogues” also has a polysemic dimension with which we identify as:

  • interviews, polemics, discussions, peer­‑review, interactivity, interdisciplinarity,
  • but also, You – Me dyad, dialogue as a constituent of the educational relationship,
  • respect for the dignity of the human person, which forms the basis of community life,
  • emphasis on the moral component of education, on character education and educational values that transcend benefit and pleasure,
  • a reference to human resources ideas, and dialogical learning, humanistic approach to education and teaching,
  • the interconnection between specific historical and cultural contexts on the one hand and openness to shifting horizons, transcendence, and hope on the other side.

Aims & Scope


The journal Dialogues in Education (DinE) is a double­‑blind peer­‑reviewed scientifical journal promoting international scholarly exchange among researchers, academics, and professionals in the field of education. It publishes only original, previously unpublished full­‑length research and survey articles that reflect the latest research and developments in theoretical, empirical, and practical aspects of education and pedagogy.

The main thematic focuses of the researches published on the journal are the following: philosophical, ethical, and historical foundations of education and general pedagogy in dialogical approach, with particular emphasis on the value, moral and personal dimensions of education and teaching.

The title of the journal incorporates a paradigm of dialogue and identifies it in human affairs, especially concerning educational relationships. The word “dialogues” also has a polysemic dimension which identifies with:

  • philosophical­‑conceptual basis: I – Thou relation as the foundational element for dialogue and philiatic dimension as a constituent of the educational relationship,
  • emphasis on the moral component of education, on the education of character and values which go beyond mere utility and pleasure,
  • reference to human resources and inner richness of every person, dialogical learning, humanistic and personalistic approach to education and teaching,
  • scientific approach: relationality, interactivity, interdisciplinarity,
  • dialogical forms of research procedures: discussions, contributions, interviews, focus groups, peer­‑reviews.

Authors are encouraged to develop educational research in dialogue, about dialogue, and for dialogue.

Theoretical and empirical studies, review studies, research­‑in­‑progress reports, essays, discussions and polemics, in‑field publications reviews, and relevant reports are invited to be published as well.

All manuscripts of sufficient complexity and rigor will be given full review.

All submissions deemed of sufficient quality by the Executive Editors are reviewed using a double­‑blind peer­‑review process.

Scholars interested in serving as reviewers are encouraged to contact the Executive Editors with a list of areas in which they are qualified to review manuscripts.

DinE publishes two issues per year, one (spring­‑summer) in English language, second (autumn­‑winter) in Slovak and/or Czech language.


The DinE journal is a direct continuation of the former periodicals published by Faculty of Education of Trnava University in which some current DinE editors were personally involved.

1997–2016: Acta Facultatis Paedagogicae Universitatis Tyrnaviensis

2017–2020: Scientia et Eruditio

After a break caused by the Covid‑19 pandemic and a re‑profiling of the periodical, the journal is renewed with a narrower and more in‑depth focus on the topics listed above.

About us

The Dialogues in Education (DinE) is published at Faculty of Education Trnava University in Trnava, Slovakia. The core of the editorial group consists of scholars from the Department of Educational Studies. The research team has long been devoted to questions of general pedagogy, philosophy of education, history of education, moral and ethical education, civic education, school and educational psychology and didactics of school subjects focused on social and cultural education.

Editorial Executive Board

Andrej Rajský, Editor­‑in­‑Chief, Trnava University, Slovakia, andrej.rajsky [at]

Marek Wiesenganger, Deputy Editor­‑in­‑Chief, Trnava University, Slovakia, marek.wiesenganger [at]

Blanka Kudláčová, Editor, Trnava University, Slovakia, blanka.kudlacova [at]

Martin Brestovanský, Editor, Trnava University, Slovakia, martin.brestovansky [at]

Rastislav Nemec, Editor, Trnava University, Slovakia, rastislav.nemec [at]

Romana Martincová, Editor, Trnava University, Slovakia, romana.martincova [at]

Language Editor

David Levente Palatinus, Trnava University

Technical Editor

Roman Horváth, Trnava University

Editorial Advisory Board

Marvin W. Berkowitz, Center for Character and Citizenship, University of Missouri–St. Louis, USA

Kristján Kristjánsson, Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues, University of Birmingham, UK

Verónica Fernández Espinosa, Virtue and Values Education Centre, Francisco de Vitoria University, Madrid, Spain

Tom Harrison, Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues University of Birmingham, UK

Dariusz Stępkowski, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Poland

Tomáš Kasper, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Jan Hábl, Hradec Králové University, Czech Republic

Simonetta Polenghi, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy

Daniele Bruzzone, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy

Roland Bernhard, Private University of Teacher Education Vienna/Krems, Austria

Pádraig Hogan, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Ireland

Katarzyna Wrońska, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland

Antonio Francisco Canales Serrano, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

Juan P. Dabdoub, Navarra University, Spain

Wojciech T. Kaftanski, Jagiellonian University, Poland / Harvard University, USA

Henning Schluß, University of Vienna, Austria

For authors

Editorial Policy

Authors should submit their contribution in electronic form by sending it to the following e‑mail address: dialoguesineducation [at]

Each submission will be provided with a paper ID for further reference. Please always refer to the paper ID in any further correspondence.

Submission and Review Process

  1. Upon receipt of a submission, the editorial assistant sends an e‑mail of confirmation to the corresponding author within 5 working days. If you fail to receive confirmation, of receipt within 5 working days, please contact the Editor­‑in­‑Chief at andrej.rajsky [at]
  2. Peer review. We use a double­‑blind system for peer­‑review. All manuscripts will be subject to a well­‑established, fair, unbiased peer review and refereeing procedure, and considered on the basis of their significance, novelty, and usefulness to the journal’s readership. The reviewers’ identities remain anonymous to authors. The review process may take 6 to 12 weeks.
  3. Notification of the result of the review.
    The review output will be one of the following decisions:
    • Accept.
    • Accept with minor changes.
    • Accept with major changes. A second reviewing is necessary.
    • Reject.
  4. If required, the authors need to revise the paper according to the reviewer’s comments. After final acceptance of the paper the author receives an acceptance letter via e‑mail.
  5. Dialogues in Education (DinE) is published by an academic institution – the Faculty of Education Trnava University in Trnava. The review and publishing processes are entirely independent of any institutional interest. The publisher supports the free dissemination and sharing of scientific knowledge; therefore, it does not require any article processing fees.


Submitted papers are assumed to contain no proprietary material protected by patent or patent application; responsibility for technical content and for protection of proprietary material rests solely with the author(s) and their organizations and is not the responsibility of the Editorial Board. The main author is responsible for ensuring that the article has been seen and approved by all the other authors. It is the responsibility of the author to obtain all necessary copyright release permissions for the use of any copyrighted materials in the manuscript prior to submission. If authors wish to include material in their article for which they do not have copyright, they must obtain written permission from the copyright owner, prior to submission, and the appropriate acknowledgement must accompany the submitted article. Authors are solely responsible for any fees which the copyright holder may charge for reuse. The authors retain copyrights to all the published articles within each issue.

Open Access Statement

Dialogues in Education (online) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution­‑NonCommercial­‑NoDerivs Licence. The journal is an Open Access journal that allows for free unlimited access to all its contents without any restrictions upon publication to all users.

Privacy Statement

The names and e‑mail addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Guidelines for Authors

DinE publishes the following types of academic papers:

Peer­‑reviewed articles: 3000–8000 words
theoretical, historical, empirical research, review article (≠ book review)
Discussion: 1000–3000 words
Book Review: 800–2000 words
Interview: 1000–2000 words
Translation: 1000–8000 words

If you are preparing a manuscript for submission to Dialogues in Education (DinE), please follow these instructions:

Manuscripts are accepted in English, Slovak and Czech and any consistent spelling and punctuation styles may be used. A typical research manuscript is between 3000‑ and 8000‑words including graphs, tables, references, captions, footnotes, and endnotes.

Submitted manuscripts should be in a Microsoft Word document. In addition, please provide an abstract (between 150‑ and 250‑words) and 5 to 6 keywords. The submitted manuscript should be compiled in the following order: article title; abstract; keywords; main text; acknowledgements; references; appendices (as appropriate), bio/s. Please keep section headings concise. General instructions for preparing the article are detailed here (below). An article template is attached for easier orientation.

DinE is published in a typeset format that can be read on‑screen or printed by the reader. The journal has an ISSN index and is indexed by Crossref service (DOI system) to allow reliable citations.

All authors of a manuscript should include their full names (with titles), affiliations, postal and e‑mail addresses on the last page. One author should be identified as the corresponding author. All scholars who may have a reasonable claim to authorship must be named in the manuscript as co‑authors.

Please supply all relevant details required by any funding and grant­‑awarding bodies as an acknowledgment.

Please provide the highest quality figure, pictures, and graphs format possible. All figures must be numbered in the order in which they appear in the manuscript.

Authors cannot submit animations, movie files or sound files as part of their publications.

Here (below) are more detailed rules for citing and referencing bibliographic sources.

The DinE uses APA 7th edition referencing style.

Complete a short bio about yourself (no more than 200 words). Indicate your scientific field, the academic roles you hold, and any further information you wish DinE readers to know about you.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all the following items, and submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines may be returned to authors.

  • The text concerns education and responds to a topic in the Calls for Papers and has a scientific character.
  • The whole text is in English or Slovak or Czech. Grammatical and stylistic proofreading has been made.
  • The paper has not yet been published, nor is it currently under consideration by another journal.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word – a article template was used.
  • All references must be according to the APA 7th edition referencing style, author­‑date system.
  • URL links to references are provided wherever possible.
  • The text is spaced by multiples of 1.15; font size is 12 pt; italics rather than underlining is used; all illustrations, tables and figures are placed in the text rather than at the end of article.
  • All basic sections (article title; abstract; keywords; main text; acknowledgements; references; appendices (as appropriate), bio/s) are included.
  • Headings and subheadings are used to elucidate the text. (No more than two levels should be used; ideally only one.)
  • The whole text is ordered consistently in a way that is logical, clear, gradually to follow.

Ethics of Publishing

The Dialogues in Education (DinE) publishes only original work that does not copy or duplicate previously published work. Articles submitted to the DinE must not be in press, accepted or under review elsewhere. The submitted manuscript must not contain any illegal, abusive, defamatory, or judgmental content or language.

Submitted papers are assumed to contain no proprietary material protected by patent or patent application; responsibility for technical content and for protection of proprietary material rests solely with the author(s) and their organizations and is not the responsibility of the Editorial Board. The main author is responsible for ensuring that the article has been seen and approved by all the other authors. It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain all necessary copyright release permissions for the use of any copyrighted materials in the manuscript prior to the submission.

By submitting your manuscript to the DinE, authors are agreeing to originality checks to their manuscript during the double­‑blind peer­‑review and production processes. The authors are responsible for compliance with the Research Ethics Committee, IRB, or similar institutions in the country and/or institution where the researcher is based.

The journal has a policy of “Zero Tolerance to Plagiarism.”

Authors are required to disclose any possible conflict of interest when submitting a paper. These can include financial conflicts of interest e.g., patent ownership, stock ownership, consultancies, speaker’s fee.

The journal Dialogues in Education (DinE) is committed to holding the ethical standards and behaviour common in publishing throughout the whole publication process. The DinE holds to the standards outlined in the ethical codex of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Therefore, the conduct of DinE (editors, reviewers, authors) is fully oriented in accordance with the Code of Conduct issued by the COPE. The article must pass the double­‑blind peer­‑review process to be published.

For Reviewers

Scholars with experience in research and publishing are kindly requested to participate in the review process by e‑mailing the editor­‑in­‑chief. The editors of the journal are grateful for any help from the reviewers. Reviewers are independent of the authors, i.e., not affiliated with the same institution. Peer review assists the editor in making editorial decisions and, through the editorial communication with the author, may also assist the author in improving the manuscript. The service of reviewers for the journal DinE is generally unpaid.

In any case, the reviewer is held to adhere to the ethical standards of reviewing recommended by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Templates to Download

General instructions

Number of words for a paper including figures, graphs, tables, schemes, supplements, and bibliography:

  • Peer­‑reviewed articles: 3000–8000 words
    theoretical, historical, empirical research, review article (≠ book review)
  • Discussion: 1000–3000 words
  • Book Review: 800–2000 words
  • Interview: 1000–2000 words
  • Translation: 1000–3000 words

Technical details of the text of the article

  • Use Microsoft Word word processor.
  • Page size in A4, vertically, all margins: 2.5 cm.
  • Do not use pagination.
  • Font: Cambria 12 pt.
  • Line spacing: multiple 1.15.
  • Do not leave an empty line between paragraphs, all spaces (including the headings) are defined in article template in points.
  • Do not use tabulators or spaces at the beginning of paragraph.
  • To highlight text, do not use colours or underlining, but rather boldface or italics.
  • Do not  e x p a n d  spaces between letters either by spaces or tabulators; to highlight the text, use only default styles Strong or Emphasis.
  • Figures, tables, and graphs should be numbered or named; each item should be distinguished by a name tag and numbered independently (at the end of each name/​description should be a dot, a question mark, or an exclamation mark), for example:
    • Figure 1: Female of mantis religiosa.
    • Table 1: Multiple regression.
    • Graph 1: Relation between length of pronotum and response time.
  • The number and name (description) of the table should be placed above the table, the number and description of the figure/​graph under the figure/​graph.
  • Schemes, graphs, and similar pictorial material are recommended to be created as a drawn/​embed object in Microsoft Word or attached in Microsoft Word‑compatible vector format (e.g., WMF).
  • Figures, especially photographs, should be sent in adequate quality – we recommend at least 300 DPI; we accept colour images, too.
  • Authors are responsible for the language and style of their papers. (We assume that the articles have undergone grammatical and stylistic proofreading.)

References in text

  • Direct quotation (Berkowitz, 2012, p. 26).
  • Paraphrasing (cf. Berkowitz, 2012, p. 26).
  • Reference to source, as a whole (Berkowitz, 2012).
  • In case of co‑authorship of two or three authors, state all surnames in brackets and separated by a comma (Prokop, Prokopová, 2015).
  • In case of four or more authors, use “et al.” after the surname of the first author (Prokop et al., 2021).
  • Citing multiple works by several authors, place the works in alphabetical order according to the authors’ surnames (or according to the year of publication) and separate them by a semicolon (Prokopová, Prokop, 2015; Prokop, 2010, 2015).
  • Use footnotes to complement the basic text – when citing, use the same rules as citing in the text.

Paper formatting instructions (theoretical and empirical studies)

Authors are kindly asked to use the article template and to use the stylesheet defined within. If you are not familiar with cascading styles in a Microsoft Word word processor, the best way to correctly create the article is to insert the text without formatting directly into the template (headings to headings, abstract to abstract, paragraphs, pictures, charts… duplicate within the template as they are needed and then paste the texts of the descriptions and other paragraphs without formatting into them – also paste the images and other objects using Paste as… feature or import them directly as files from your hard drive).

Reference page

Format works cited list as follows:

  • Please list only the sources cited in the text of the paper.
  • Works cited list should be ordered alphabetically according to the author’s surname, irrespective of the source’s category (monograph, journal article, etc.).
  • If referring to multiple works by the same author, arrange them according to the year of publication; if one author published in the same year several works, add letters a, b, c, etc. after the year, the order is determined according to the name of the work.
  • In case of two authors, separate them with comma and the sign &. In case of three to four authors, separate them with commas, but between the last two insert also the sign & (keep the Oxford comma); if there are more than four authors, state the first author followed by abbreviation et al.
  • If referring to a collective monograph or proceedings, the name of the sole editor is followed by the abbreviation ed. or the abbreviation eds. follows the list of the names of several editors.
  • The binding standard is APA 7th edition referencing style.
  • Format the list using font Cambria 11 pt (normal), align text left.
  • Authors are required to verify that there is a DOI identifier for each source used and record it if it does exist.
  • The binding form of DOI is: https://‌«prefix»/«sufix», example: https://‌doi.‌org/‌10.‌31262/‌1234­‑5678/‌2018/‌1/‌1/‌23­‑56
    For more details, visit the page https://‌www.​crossref.​org/​display­‑guidelines/.

Sample formatting of used sources


Walker, I. (2013). Výzkumné metody a statistika. (1st ed.). Grada.

Kariková, S., & Šimegová, M. (2009). Šikanovanie na stredných školách v Slovenskej republike. Uniwersytet Opolski.

Lechta, V., & Kudláčová, B. (Eds.). (2013). Reflection of inclusive education of the 21st Century in Correlative Scientific Fields. Peter Lang Publishing.

Speight, J. G. (2005). Lange’s Handbook of Chemistry. McGraw­‑Hill. http://‌www.​knovel.​com/​web/​portal/​basic_​search/​display?_​EXT_​KNOVEL_​DISPLAY_​bookid=​1347&_​EXT_​KNOVEL_​DISPLAY_​fromSearch=​true&_​EXT_​KNOVEL_​DISPLAY_​searchType=​basic

Journal articles

Pokrivčáková, S. (2014). Code­‑switching ako lingvodidaktický fenomén = Code/switching as a phenomenon of language pedagogy. XLinguae, 7(2), 61–74.

Šarkan, M., & Nemec, R. (2010). Humanistic Paradigms of Education in the Postmodern Vision. Journal of Pedagogy, 1(2), 99–119.

Koťa, J., & Strouhal, M. (2017). Kontroverze humanismu a jeho dědictví v sociálních vědách a v pedagogice. e‑Pedagogium, 2017(1), 25–34. http://‌old.​pdf.​upol.​cz/​fileadmin/​user_upload/​PdF/​e‑pedagogium/​2017/​e‑Pedagogium_1­‑2017online.​pdf

Giannoukos, G., Besas, G., Hictour, V., & Georgas, T. (2016). A study on the role of computers in adult education. Educational Research and Reviews, 11(9), 907–923. https://‌doi.‌org/‌10.‌5897/‌ERR2016.‌2688

Chapters in monographs and proceedings

Rajský, A. (2010). Európa – východiskové črty a charakteristiky. Ideál a ideály európskeho človeka v procese dejín vlastného sebanazerania. In B. Kudláčová (Ed.), Európske pedagogické myslenie (od antiky po modernu) (pp. 12–19). Typi Universitstis Tyrnaviensis/Veda.

Miková, M., & Janík, T. (2007). Pořizování videozáznamu jako metoda sběru dat. In R. Švaříček, K. Šeďová, T. Janík, O. Kaščák, M. Miková, K. Nedbálková, P. Novotný, M. Sedláček, & J. Zounek, Kvalitativní výzkum v pedagogických vědách (pp. 192–201). Portál.

Gaffney, D., & Puschmann, C. (2014). Data collection on Twitter. In K. Weller, A. Bruns, J. Burgess, M. Mahrt, & C. Puschmann (Eds.), Twitter and society (pp. 55–67). Peter Lang Publishing.


Postal address: Dialogues in Education
  Faculty of Education
Trnava University
Priemyselná 4
  918 43  Trnava
  Slovakia – EU
E‑mail: dialoguesineducation [at]


Postal address: doc. PhDr. Andrej Rajský, PhD.
  Department of Educational Studies
Faculty of Education
Trnava University
  Priemyselná 4
918 43  Trnava
E‑mail: andrej.rajsky [at]


  Faculty of Education
Trnava University
  Priemyselná 4
918 43  Trnava


Dialogues in Education is published at Faculty of Education Trnava University in Trnava, Slovakia.