- Language as a basic means of human communication. Origin of languages. Language families. Types of languages.
- Language as a system. Study of languages = linguistics. Branches of linguistics: general & applied linguistic.
- Phonetics and phonology. The sub‑branches thereof, and the subjects of study within each of these branches. The relationship of phonetics and phonology to other linguistic disciplines.
- English phonetics. Articulatory, acoustic and auditory phonetics.
- Segmental phonology. Phonemes and their classification.
- Suprasegmental phonology. Syllable, suprasegmental features. Aspects of connected speech.
- Verbs and their classifications (lexical, primary, modal, auxiliary).
- Morphological characteristics and forms of verbs (mood, voice, transitivity, etc.). Verbs in the English sentence – syntactical characteristics of verbs.
- Nouns, their morphological characteristics and classifications (determination, countability, gender, number). Nouns in the English sentence – syntactical characteristics of nouns.
- Morphological characteristics of adjectives. Their classification and formation, relations to other word classes. Gradation of adjectives. Adjectives in the English sentence – syntactical characteristics of adjectives.
- Morphological characteristics of adverbs. Their classification and formation, relations to other word classes. Gradation of adverbs. Adverbs in the English sentence – syntactical characteristics of adverbs (adverbials).
- English phrases and clauses. Their types, characteristics, structures and functions.
- Coordination and subordination in English syntax. Their characteristic features, classification and characteristics.
- Lexicology as a branch of linguistics and its relationships with other linguistic disciplines. Basic terminology related to lexicology (vocabulary, words, lexical units, lexemes). Two approaches to the study of language, the structure of English vocabulary (words and their associative fields, lexical fields, word families, word classes).
- Word structure (inflection, derivation, lexical morphemes, functional morphemes), the morphemic and word‑formation structure of words; the morphemic analysis of words; word‑formative units. The principal word‑formation processes: compounding, derivation (types of derivation), and conversion, minor word‑formation processes: shortening, (clipping, acronyms and initialisms), back‑formation, blending, reduplications, coinage, semantic changes, etc.).
- Word meaning – the process of naming. Types of meaning: grammatical and lexical. Meaning with communicative values (conceptual meaning, associative meaning and thematic meaning). Relationships between lexical items: sense relations and the multiplicity of senses.
- The origins of the English lexicon (three main sources of the English lexicon, borrowings, loanwords, and assimilation). The English lexicon over time (the English lexicon and societal development, recent lexical changes). The stylistic classification of the English lexicon.
- Multi‑word lexical items (three criteria which help distinguish holistic multiple‑word items). Words in combination (collocations, colligations, and chunks). Multi‑word verbs. Idioms and idiomatic multi‑word expressions (proverbs, sayings, quotations, similes, binomials, trinomials.
Anglophone Literatures & Cultures
- Literature as a verbal art. Literature and its study (theory of literature, literary history, literary criticism). Approaches to reading literary texts (criticisms).
- Language of literature (poetics). Sound, morphological, syntactical and lexical literary devices. Tropes and figures.
- Literary kinds and genres. Compositional differences between poetry, prose, and drama. Digital literature.
- World, national and comparative literature. Periods in history of British and American literatures.
- Beginnings of English and American Literatures and Cultures. British and American folklores (Beowulf, Native American oral genres). G. Chaucer and American Puritans.
- Culture of Renaissance and Elizabethan Literature (W. Shakespeare and his contemporaries).
- Literature of the Enlightenment in Britain: the rise of the novel (Defoe, Swift, Richardson, Fielding, Sterne), and the USA (B. Franklin, Th. Jefferson).
- Romanticism in English and American literatures (J. Austen, Brontë sisters, gothic novel, Lake poets; E. A. Poe, transcendentalists, N. Hawthorne, H. Melville, E. Dickinson, W. Whitman).
- The Victorian era. Realism in English and American literatures. (Ch. Dickens, G. Eliot, M. Twain, S. Crane). Naturalism in the USA (T. Dreiser, H. James).
- The Edwardian period. Edwardian Realists (Conrad, Hardy, Stevenson, Kipling, Wells, Forster). Modernism in English and American literatures (Lawrence, Joyce, Woolf, Mansfield; E. Pound, T. S. Eliot, W. C. Williams, W. Stevens, F. S. Fitzgerald, Beat Generation).
- Anglophone cultures at the beginning of the 20th century. Jazz Age, WWI and WWII and their reflection in British and American literatures (Lost Generation, E. Hemingway).
- Britain and the U.S.A. after WWII. Angry young men, ant‑modernism, postmodern literature in the U.K. and the U.S.A. (V. Nabokov, P. Auster, J. Fowles, D. Lodge, and A. Carter, W. Golding, G. Orwell, A. Burgess, G. Greene, K. Amis, J. Braine, J. Osborne, A. Sillitoe).
- British and American drama (O. Wilde, G. B. Shaw, S. Beckett, H. Pinter, O’Neill, T. Williams).
- Minority Literatures and Cultures. Postcolonialism. Authors of Asian, African‑American, Jewish and Native American heritage (N. Englander, T. Morrison, J. Díaz, N. S. Momaday, L. M. Silko, S. Alexie, J. Lahiri, H. Kureishi, S. Rushdie).
- Literature for children and young readers – definitions and characteristics. Genres of children’s folklore and their poetic characteristics (nursery rhymes, songs, myths, legends, folk tales, etc.).
- Beginnings of modern children’s literature. Moral writings and nonsense literature (E. Lear, L. Carroll).
- Genres and representatives of fantasy in children’s and juvenile literature (animal and toy fantasy, fantasy with extraordinary characters, high fantasy).
- Prosaic genres of literature for young readers and their representatives (adventure stories, animal stories, historic stories, stories with girl and boy protagonists, etc.).
Methodology of Teaching English Language and Literature
- Theories of language and language learning.
- Approaches, methods, and techniques (key and alternative methods and approaches).
- The communicative approach (principles, basic assumptions of CLT, CLT) and the post‑method period (content‑based instruction, task‑based instruction, text‑based instruction, competency‑based instruction, current trends in CLT).
- Learner Variables (Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Model, learning styles, learner strategies – Oxford, Rubin, VAK/VACT, Kolb’s learning styles model, learner autonomy).
- Teacher’s roles, teacher’s action zones, teaching versus learning, teacher development, a teacher of English.
- A CEFR, a Manual, national documents (ISCED), the curriculum, the syllabus, a lesson plan, OECD key competence.
- Evaluation, assessment, and testing; statistical analyses for language assessment.
- Receptive skills (Listening, Reading) – teaching and testing. Selecting texts and tasks, types of tasks, direct meaning comprehension, inferred meaning comprehension, basic recommendations.
- Productive skills (Speaking, Writing) – teaching and testing. Speaking in class context: fluency, accuracy and appropriacy. Oral production and oral interaction. The goal of writing, the process of writing, the product of writing.
- Linguistic competence (grammar, vocabulary, the sound system, the writing system) – teaching and testing.
- Classroom management (classroom seating arrangements, teacher – learner and learner – learner interaction, error correction, homework).
- Teaching materials (course books, authentic material, using literature, newspapers, authentic videos, digital and online materials).
- Primary EFL learners – key characteristics, developmental specifics and needs, attitudes and motivation, learning strategies and styles (comparing to teenage learners) and how to diagnose them.
- Recommended EFL teaching methods for primary classrooms – their benefits and risks (TPR, Direct method, CALL, CLIL and others).
- Language learning in early childhood. Developmental stages. Language learning and language acquisition. First and second language acquisition. Childhood bilingualism.
- Teaching English to young learners with language disorders and delays. Learners with special educational needs. Recommended teaching strategies, procedures, and techniques.
- Literary texts in teaching EFL to young learners: objectives, principles, recommended teaching techniques. Storytelling. Picture books and graphic stories.
- EFL teacher as a researcher. Action research.